
I teach in the Communication and IT bachelor program at the University of Copenhagen. This is an interdisciplinary program run between the departments of Computer Science and Communication.

I am also helping the Machine Learning and Data Science bachelor program at DIKU to integrate ethical reflection into their machine learning courses.

If you are interested in doing a thesis or a project with me please check the students page for project ideas and other information.

Before coming to the University of Copenhagen I helped develop two innovative study programs at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Data Science Bachelor (BDAS) – an innovative bachelor program where alongside the necessary mathematics and technical skills students are taught tools for thinking critically about privacy and ethics in relation to data processing and management. The program offers students opportunities to apply data science skills broadly and to pursue specialization at the master’s level on topics ranging from journalism to business intelligence to software development.

Big Data Specialization – Digital Information and Management (MSc) – The courses in the specialization offer students an opportunity to engage with technical challenges, organizational processes, and societal concerns around big data. Most importantly students learn how to translate critical and theoretical tools they have gained throughout the program into practice and application.